Edit Software

NISS provides multiple tools to help our member companies prepare and analyze their data.  Currently, the edit software is available for use with the following lines:  

Automobile Edit Software
The NISS Auto Edit Software is a resource designed to allow member companies to edit their submissions at the desktop level and to view a separate distribution of their data, prior to submission to NISS. This software has been developed as an Access database, and is delivered in Microsoft® Access 2000 format. It is currently available for the 2024 Automobile Call. The most recent version of the software, as well as documentation, can be downloaded below.

View 2024 Automobile Edit Software Documentation
Download 2024 Automobile Edit Software (v2024.7) & Documentation (Zip File)

North Carolina Quarterly Automobile (AQR) Edit Software
The NISS North Carolina Quarterly Automobile (AQR) Edit Software function is similar to the Auto edit software package, allowing member companies to edit quarterly submissions at the desktop level and to view a separate distribution of their data, prior to submission to NISS. It is currently available for the 2024 quarterly Calls.  The current software, as well as documentation, can be downloaded below.

View 2024 AQR Edit Software Documentation 
Download 2024 AQR Edit Software (v2024.2) & Documentation (Zip File)

Quarterly Automobile Insurance Plan (ARP) Edit Software
The NISS Quarterly Automobile Insurance Plan (ARP) Edit Software functions like the other edit software packages, allowing member companies to edit quarterly ARP submissions.  A wide array of reports are available to help identify any coding issues as well as to examine the data from a reasonableness standpoint.  The software, along with its documentation, can be downloaded below.

View 2024 ARP Edit Software Documentation
Download 2024 ARP Edit Software (v2024.1) & Documentation (Zip File)

Each software package may be updated periodically for edit table changes and such.  The current version number available for download is listed.

The Burglary & Theft, Commercial Lines, Farmowners, Fidelity & Surety, General Liability, Homeowners, and Inland Marine Calls may be edited in advance through the NISS Online Edit feature, also found under the Edit Tools menu.  Please see Bulletin 04-2024 for more details.

Helpful Data Reporting Tips

NISS provides multiple tools to help our member companies prepare and analyze their data.  Another tool is our "Helpful Data Reporting Tips" that lists items to watch out for when preparing Data Calls. 

In particular, they address common coding and reasonability issues.  Additionally, tips are provided regarding the reporting of excess losses for General Liability, Medical Professional Liability and the various Auto Calls (Voluntary Auto, North Carolina Auto and Assigned Risk).  Finally, some useful tips are listed for the Automobile, Commercial Lines, General Liability, and Homeowners Calls specifically.

Download General Helpful Data Reporting Tips

AUTO (Automobile)
Download AUTO Helpful Data Reporting Tips

CLSP (Commercial Lines)
Download CLSP Helpful Data Reporting Tips

GL (General Liability)
Download GL Helpful Data Reporting Tips

HO (Homeowners)
Download HO Helpful Data Reporting Tips



Territory Listings By ZIP Code

NISS provides multiple tools to help our member companies prepare and analyze their data.

These listings provide valid Territory Code assignments for each ZIP code recognized as effective by the United States Postal Service for statistical reporting purposes.  Specifically, the Automobile Statistical Plan listings provide the State code (and 2-digit State abbreviation), ZIP Code, Territory code, whether the territory code applies to Private Passenger or Commercial risks or both, County, City, Effective Date and Obsolete Date of the ZIP Code.  The Homeowners Statistical Plan and Fire and Allied Lines module from the Commercial Lines Statistical Plan do not include the Private Passenger versus Commercial distinctions. 

Note that the dates are in "yyyymmdd" format; a date of '99999999' indicates the ZIP Code is still in effect. NISS utilizes ZIP Codes and related territories for obsolete dates back 5 full calendar years for losses.  However, exceptions to the 5-year rule are New York Automobile and all Assigned Risk losses, for which 7 full calendar years are used.  In all cases, however, ZIP Codes that are obsolete prior to the calendar year premiums reported in a Call Year are not considered valid. 

You can view these numerical listings of territory codes in pdf format, or download the Excel files for the added capability to sort and filter by the various columns.  The Automobile codes for Voluntary, Assigned Risks and North Carolina Quarterly are broken into separate files.  Due to the file size, we have made the files available in a compressed format. We suggest you download the .zip files to your computer and view the information there, rather than opening the file directly in your browser. Opening it from our web site may take some time, due to the file size.

Automobile Statistical Plans (All States) 

View ZIP Codes (pdf)

ZIP Codes (xls)

ZIP Codes (zip)

Voluntary Automobile 1224.pdf Voluntary Automobile 1224.xls Voluntary Automobile 1224.zip
Assigned Risk Automobile 1224.xls Assigned Risk Automobile 1224.zip
North Carolina Quarterly Automobile 1224.pdf North Carolina Quarterly Automobile 1224.xls North Carolina Quarterly Automobile 1224.zip

Homeowners Statistical Plan 

View Zip Codes (pdf)

ZIP Codes (xls)

ZIP Codes (zip)

Homeowners, Mobilehome & Dwelling 1224.pdf Homeowners, Mobilehome & Dwelling 1224.xls Homeowners, Mobilehome & Dwelling 1224.zip

Commercial Lines Statistical Plan

View Zip Codes (pdf)

ZIP Codes (xls)

ZIP Codes (zip)

Fire & Allied Lines 1224.pdf Fire & Allied Lines 1224.xls Fire & Allied Lines 1224.zip

Please Note: The Zip/Territory listings are updated every 2 months, in conjunction with updates received from the United States Postal Service (USPS). File names include a month and year to represent the most current update. For instance, the file name "Homeowners, Mobilehome & Dwelling 1224.xls" indicates the USPS updated the file in December, 2024.

Also please note that if NISS announces regulatory changes to territories, you will want to be sure to use your old territory codes on losses occurring prior to any changes.  However, these ZIP/territory lists will only contain the most current codes. 

Fast Track Utility

The NISS Fast Track Utility is a resource designed for two purposes. The first is to help companies that report Fast Track data to NISS review and verify their data prior to submission. These companies can find a database with their Fast Track historic data loaded in their Company Correspondence page. 

The second purpose is for companies that purchase the Fast Track Reports from NISS. This is a blank database for a company’s individual use, where they can import their company data into the database and compare it to industry data. The blank utility and documentation can be downloaded below.

View Fast Track Utility Documentation
Download Fast Track Utility
 & Documentation (Zip File)

If you are interested in purchasing Fast Track reports or would like more information on this helpful database, please contact us at questions@niss-stat.org.